Qualitative Data Analysis

We work with data to create strategy, performance insights, operational decisions, medical diagnostics and so much more and so can you.

Project summary

Krowd Works is a leading product innovation company, founded in 2018 with over 55 projects completed across various disciplines.

This Virtual Experience project is part of work done on a complex project involving the correlation of business processes and occupational data across 20 industries in different parts of the world. The project had a multidisciplinary team of Information technology, Human resources and Data analysts driving the activities and brought in years of experience to the project.

We have crafted this Virtual Experience project to allow you to fully participate and immerse yourself into this component of the project and see how your work compares to theirs.

Why join?

Build on remote work skills
Enrolment into the SkillsHub talent pool for future projects and opportunities
Gain experience on client projects
Put your quantitative data analysis skills to action
Interact with the occupation data of thousands of jobs
Gain a deep understanding of enterprise business processes

Career pathways

Business analyst
Human resource management
Data analysis
Product management
Market research
Operations management
Financial analyst
Insurance claims management
Life sciences research


To effectively participate in this Virtual Experience project you will require the following:

  1. Time: 2-3 hours per day (Mon - Fri) for 4 weeks
  2. Computing: Access to a computer connected to the internet
  3. Working knowledge of: Slack, video collaboration, google sheets

Project workflow

Onboarding & Training:
- An introduction to the project, project manual & the team
- Understanding your workplace personality
- Getting started on Slack
Team work
Virtual collaboration
Communication skills
Data analysis concepts
Data Exploration & Discovery:
- Familiarizing with the project data sets.

Team work
Data exploration
Spreadsheets for data analysis
Data Analysis
- Qualitative review of business process data against occupation data
Practical data analysis
Analysis Quality Review:
- Checking the quality of data
Quality assurance
Data reporting
- Using data reporting tools.